Inaugural Exhibition…Part Deux : Ali Lancrae

We are proud to announce Gemini’s second inaugural exhibition, featuring a name that does everyone in the adult photo community proud. Ali Lancrae.

Yes it is time for us to break in the twin building that so far had been decorated with the beautiful photography by our gracious host Nica in what was our  exhibition #0, so to speak, helping us work out the look and the best way to use the architecture to showcase the photography.

And we are doing it with the artwork of a fine photographer who with her Sexiest® photo galleries spends weekly hours and hours to do the kind of selfless work promoting adult arts that helps the scene’s growth. A kind of work that has some sort of symmetry only in what is done every day by the wonderful Racheal Rexen on the Second Life Porn Blog. Her exhibition is still going on, in the building just across the street.

We’ll be partying on tomorrow July 15th at 6 PM SLT, with DJ HaileyMarie Redrose.

Don’t miss out!

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