New Exhibition : Sparklebottom Lasertits

Gemini’s adventure began right at the start of the summer last year: our focus has always been on art, the art we want to show. Thank you, Captain Obvious? No, no, there’s a point here, I promise! The natural consequence of our approach has then been: most exhibitions we made, even featuring Flickrites with literally thousands of followers and faves steadily in the triple digits, were what you would call ‘debuts’. Working with artists who have already ‘been there’ many times is very rewarding ( I had chances to do it many times in previous experiences) , but the first showcase is a thrill, and I believe serves well our placement, as Gemini Studios too, in the adult entertainment world. A world based on the impulse of sharing passions, desires, reveries, which in the world of Second Life are so easily of a sensual but also sexual nature, pure , unconstrained and unhibited.  Expression of your own fantasy and impulse, transmitted through your own individuality, for the world to see. Nothing seems closer to pure art than that to me. It is a world full of artists.

This is getting to be quite the long preamble, and this whole post is kind of building to something else in fact, but do you see the picture above? It’s Sparklebottom, guys! You have the name the date the time: Sparklebottom Lasertits is doing an exhibition for Gemini Gallery which launches today July 14th at 7 PM SLT. Scheduled DJ is her friend and our precious collaborator for all these months HaileyMarie Redrose.

Sparkle’s name alone is enough to excite you and convince you to come and see what she has been up to: I can tell you what it is ! This exhibition is the first one made entirely of exclusive photos, specifically dedicated to the gallery and the wonderful sim Mirage who has been our home for over a year. Sparkle has been invited already to take part to exhibitions and have her artwork featured at different venues. It’s not just that she’s so hot right now ala Hansel, it’s not just she knows virtually everyone ‘in the scene’… She just seems in her element everywhere there is art, there is fun, there is mischief  ! And booze, okay.

See where my intro was going? During our run we have prioritized working with many busy and active individuals who made a name for themselves but did not happen to deal with inworld galleries a lot. With Sparkle, we simply could not pass up on the opportunity to have her art at Gemini. There’s a bigger story here, and some of it will be written today at our party. Remember, 7 PM SLT. And it’s one not to miss. Sparkle’s work will be on display as usual for a couple of months, but today will be your only chance to see it in a certain form. See you at the party!


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