We’ve barely had time to clean up after the huge party we had yesterday on the sim (moving a 400’000 pounds steam locomotor with 2 wagons was straining, especially for the one who had to push it up the flight of stairs), and here we are now for our defining kind of event: the opening of a new art exhibition! Today September 8th, at 7 PM SLT, it’s time to showcase the work of Brea Brianna.
An artist whose experience contributing to magazines (former cover artist for Attention Magazine, she is one of the most important talents at work for the multiple award winning Playdolls) is only rivaled by her record-breaking appearances as centerfold on virtually every adult publication in SL, the often imitated but never duplicated Brea is a one of a kind personality who channels in her art emotions, kinks, a love for trance music, jaeger bombs and socially relevant messages. All of it and more in her exhibition on display here, which will introduce, as per our standard now, new exclusive photos together with selected works from her flickr.
The party will start at 7 PM SLT, and our dj HaileyMarie Redrose promised “I’ll fill Brea’s Trance Cup till it overfloweth”. I don’t even know what that means, but sound like fighting words! Come over and have fun, we’ll be waiting!